Made with Baptiste
Houllé, Marie
Kieffer, Laura Kling, Ettore Maninchedda and Yannick Purwins initially in class.
The goal was to rework/create from scratch all or part of a nonprofit association's website, and
create educational videos. First we collected the club's needs, analyzed what's existing and
formulated specifications. Based on this, we decided to rework all the existing website. Marie and
Laura worked on mock-ups, Ettore and Yannick managed videos/photos and Baptiste and me developed.
The technical stack is made of :
-Wordpress : Bedrock and custom theme with Timber, Twig and ACF. Wordpress APIs were developed for
some functionalities.
-Sass, JS and PHP (with some OOP parts for the 2 latters). The Player YouTube API is also used.
-Composer, NPM, Webpack